
A Love for People A Love for the City  MITSUBISHI ESTATE GROUP

Protection of Personal Information

Matters for which the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" Requires Public Disclosure

In accordance with the provisions of Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information ("the Act"), MJIA will publicly disclose the matters set out below.

  1. 1.Purpose of personal information

    1. (1) Purposes of use of personal information in cases where such information is obtained through other methods than directly through written form

      Personal information obtained by MJIA shall be used for the purposes enumerated below. Please note that the term "customers" hereinafter refers to unitholders and other investors and individual service users of the company’s clients of the company’s financial instruments business (investment management, investment advisory and agency businesses, and Type II Financial Instruments Business) or real estate transaction businesses (i.e., investment companies, SPCs for investment purposes or other types of corporations or unions, trustees, etc., collectively referred to hereafter as "funds, etc.").

      1. ⅰ. To respond to customers exercising their rights and to fulfill obligations to the funds, etc., based on the provisions of Japan’s Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Investment Trust and Investment Corporation Act, Companies Act and other applicable laws and regulations, as well as the applicable securities-related and other laws and regulations of other countries (hereafter collectively referred to as "applicable laws and regulations").
      2. ⅱ. To provide notices on information about the business of funds, etc., as well as other conveniences to customers.
      3. ⅲ. To create and submit an investor registry and various reports based on the applicable laws and regulations, and to create various data on customers, perform information management, attribute analysis, and disclosure of the data obtained.
      4. ⅳ. To ascertain the credit status of the lessee of a property which the funds, etc., own or are considering acquiring, or of the person who is considering becoming the leaseholder of a property.
      5. ⅴ. To acquire, sell, broker, manage, transfer, and loan investment assets that are managed by the company for funds, etc.; to implement research, information gathering, and reviews thereof; and to perform duties related thereto.
      6. ⅵ. To respond to inquiries and requests for sending materials from customers and people who are considering buying and selling securities issued by the funds, etc.
      7. ⅶ. To perform duties related to the issuance of securities by the funds, etc., the borrowing of funds and procurement of other financing from the funds, etc.
      8. ⅷ. To conduct verification at the time of transaction and/or perform know-your-customer (KYC) diligence based on Japan’s Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds and other applicable anti-money laundering (AML) and counter financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations of other countries.
      9. ⅸ. To use for research and analysis in processes such as market trend analysis, customer satisfaction surveys, or product development.
      10. x. To fulfill corporate obligations, exercise rights, and implement measures incidental thereto.
      11. ⅺ. To perform duties pertaining to settlement related to the funds, etc., and other accounting and taxation.
      12. ⅻ. To screen and select candidates when officers or employees are being recruited.
      13. xⅲ. To conduct business related or incidental to the above.
      14. xⅳ. To provide personal information to a third party to the extent that such provision is necessary to achieve any of the above.
    2. (2) Types of information provision to third parties that are to be discontinued upon request by the subject

      There are times when provision is needed to achieve one or more of the purposes listed above under section (1). In such a case, MJIA will provide to a third party the person’s name, the organization and department to which he/she belongs, the title, address, phone number, fax number, email address, real estate information, and other required information orally, in electronic data, or in printed media such as a mailing label, list, or the like.

      MJIA does not provide an opt-out basis for providing information to third parties. However, provision of such information to third parties will be discontinued upon request of the subject of the information.

    3. (3) Joint use of personal data

      MJIA makes joint use of customer information and other personal data it has acquired pertaining to real estate transactions as specified below.

    4. Joint use of personal data with Mitsubishi Estate Group companies Joint use of personal data pertaining to real estate transactions Joint use of personal data pertaining to solicitation of acquisition of foreign funds
      Parties with which personal data is jointly used Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies accounted for by the equity method listed in Mitsubishi Estate’s securities report, etc. Members of the Real Estate Information Network for East Japan; the Japan Association of Real Estate Appraisers, and its members; and members of any prefectural association of real estate appraisers Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (scope limited to investment management business operations), MEC Global Partners Holdings LLC (in the U.S.), TA Realty LLC (U.S.), Europa Capital LLP (UK), MEC Global Partners Asia Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), and CLSA Real Estate Limited (Singapore)
      Types of personal data that may be jointly used Customer’s name, the organization and department to which he/she belongs, the title, address, phone number, fax number, email address, real estate information, and other required information Factors affecting price, including information pertaining to the property itself such as location, price, lot size or floor space, width of street in front of the property, names of tenants, etc., and information regarding the larger environment (legal restrictions, features of the local area, etc.) The title, name, and business contact of the customer’s person in charge (limited to corporations)
      Purpose To achieve the purposes of use described in 1. (1) above or to appropriately execute business management operations as a group, including the identification and management of various risks Real estate surveys; due diligence (i) provide suggestions and information to Customers in relation to the various products and services of funds inside and outside Japan; (ii) conduct research and development in relation to the various products and services of funds inside and outside Japan, or (iii) appropriately carry out the group’s business management services such as identifying and managing various risks (including compliance with securities-related laws and other relevant laws and regulations in each country)
      Parties responsible for management Mitsubishi Jisho Investment Advisors, Inc.
    5. 2.Retained personal data that must be made readily accessible to the subject of the data

      MJIA hereby publicly announces the following matters regarding its retention of personal data:

      1. ⅰ. Name and address of the entity that handles personal information and its representative:
        Mitsubishi Jisho Investment Advisors, Inc.
        6-5, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
        Tetsuya Masuda, President & Chief Executive Officer

      2. ⅱ. Purpose of retained personal data:
        Purposes of use described in 1. (1) above

      3. ⅲ. Procedures connected with disclosure and correction of personal information, discontinuation of its use, etc.
        Please refer to Article 3., "Matters connected with requests for disclosure, etc.," for detailed information.

      4. iv. Measures taken for security control
          • (1) MJIA takes necessary and appropriate measures as described below to prevent the personal data (including personal information that MJIA has acquired or is about to acquire, including information that MJIA plans to treat as personal data; the same shall apply hereafter in this article) it handles from being leaked, lost, or damaged, or to achieve some other purpose related to security control for personal data.
          • ● In areas where personal data is handled, control of employee access and restrictions on equipment brought in, as well as implementation of measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing personal data.
          • ● Measures taken to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents handling personal data, and to ensure that personal data is not easily ascertained when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are moved, including within the business site.
          • ● Access control and limitations on the staff and scope of personal information databases, etc. to be handled.
          • ● Introduction of mechanisms to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.

        1. (2) When having its employees handle personal data, MJIA maintains rules and internal records regarding the handling of personal data, regularly inspects the handling status, and conducts the necessary and appropriate supervision, including periodic training of such employees, in order to ensure the safe management of such personal data. In addition, an internal reporting and communication system is in place in the event of a leak of personal data or any indication of such a leak.

        1. (3) When outsourcing the handling of personal data, either in full or in part, MJIA carries out necessary and appropriate monitoring, including periodic inspection of the way personal data is handled by the service provider to ensure security control of outsourced personal data.

        1. (4) When it handles personal data in a foreign country, MJIA regularly collects information on and acquires knowledge of information on the personal information protection systems of the country and takes security control measures accordingly.

      5. ⅴ. Point of contact for complaints
        Mitsubishi Jisho Investment Advisors, Inc.
        Officer for Personal Information Disclosure or Other Requests
        Human Resources and General Affairs Department
        6-5, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
    6. 3.Matters connected with requests for disclosure, etc.

      1. (1) Retained personal data for which disclosure may be requested

        Retained personal data for which disclosure may be requested (defined in Article 37 of the Act) is as follows.

      Personal data contained in reports connected with real estate investments Location of an investment property, name of owner, name of tenant, etc.
      Personal data contained in real estate appraisal reports Location of an investment property, name of owner, name of tenant, etc.
      Personal data obtained in the course of employee recruitment Names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc. of job seekers
      Personal data obtained in the course of a real estate appraisal Location of an investment property, name of owner, name of tenant, etc.
      Personal data obtained during the course of solicitation of acquisition of foreign funds The title, name, business contact, etc., of the person in charge
    7. (2) How to submit disclosure or other requests, etc.

      When submitting a disclosure or other requests, please mail the request form to the following address, including the necessary documents [see section (3) below]. Also, please write in red lettering on the envelope as follows: "Envelope contains request for disclosure."

      Mitsubishi Jisho Investment Advisors, Inc.
      Officer for Personal Information Disclosure or Other Requests
      Human Resources and General Affairs Department
      6-5, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
    8. (3) Documents and fees required when submitting a disclosure or other request

      When submitting a disclosure or other request, download the request form (available in Japanese), fill out all required information, include in the envelope the proof of identity stipulated below to prove that you are the subject of the information or a qualified agent, then mail the request to the address shown above.
      If you are unable to download the request form, please mail a self-addressed return envelope to MJIA at the address shown above. We will mail a form to you.

    9. * Please see below for details about the proof of identity and qualified agent documents to be sent with the application form (if the documents contain individual numbers or resident certificate codes, please delete or black out the relevant sections).
    10. ● Proof of identity of the subject of the information

      Please include either 1. or 2. shown below for the proof of identity:

      • 1. Duplicate of one of the following identification documents issued by a government agency bearing a photo of the individual: driver’s license;passport; special permanent resident certificate; Individual Number Card (please do not include the side on which your individual number is shown).
        If you wish to send an electronic record by e-mail, in addition to the above, attach a copy of a certificate of residency (without individual numbers or resident certificate codes, or with the relevant parts deleted or blacked out), a certificate of all records on the family register, or a certificate of individual records on the family register.

      • 2. Duplicate of two identification documents issued by a government agency which do not bear photos of the individual such as a health insurance card or a national pension handbook (please do not include the page on which your individual number is shown).
        If you wish to send an electronic record by e-mail, one of the above two documents must be a copy of a certificate of residency (without individual numbers or resident registration codes, or with the relevant parts deleted or blacked out), a certificate of all records on the family register, or a certificate of individual records on the family register.
    11. ● Proof of identity required of an agent
      1. (a) Legal guardian of a minor
        A copy of a certificate of all records on the family register certificate, a certificate of individual records on the family register, or a certificate of residency that lists both the subject of the information and his/her agent and indicates the relationship between the subject of the information and his/her agent (a copy that does not include individual numbers or resident registration codes, or a copy that has had the relevant parts deleted or blacked out); health insurance card bearing the names of both the subject of the information and the guardian and their relationship (the health insurance association’s issuer’s seal must be stamped on any corrections).
      2. (b) Legal guardian of an adult
        Certificate of registered matters set forth in Article 10 of Japan’s Act on Guardianship Registration, etc.
      3. (c) Appointed agent
        Power of attorney (stamped with the seal of the subject of the information) and the seal registration certificate of the subject of the information.
    12. ● Request forms
    13. (4) Handling fee for a disclosure or other request, and how to pay it

      ¥1,500 per application. Please enclose 1,500-yen fee in postage stamps with the request form.

    14. (5) Response to disclosure or other request

      We will reply in writing or electronically.

    15. (6) Purpose and retention period of personal information obtained through a disclosure or other request

      Personal information obtained through a disclosure or other request shall be limited to the information needed. The documents furnished shall be retained for two years from the date of the response to the disclosure or other request, after which point they will be destroyed and disposed of.

    16. (7) Reasons for refusing disclosure

      Under any of the circumstances set out below, MJIA may refuse disclosure. When a decision has been made to refuse disclosure, we will notify the applicant of the decision and the reason. When disclosure is refused, the standard handling fee will still be charged.

      ● The information sought is not included among the types of retained personal data described in Article 16 of the Act.

      ● Disclosure is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the subject of the information or a third party.

      ● Disclosure is likely to seriously impede the proper execution of the business of MJIA.

      ● Disclosure would violate other laws and regulations.

      ● MJIA has no personal information on the applicant.

      ● The agent had no power of attorney at the time the application was submitted.

      ● There is an obvious falsehood in the requisite application documents submitted.

* MJIA may amend the "Protection of Personal Information" and "Privacy Policy" sections on this website without notice in response to amendments to laws or regulations, in order to better protect personal information, or in other cases where it MJIA deems it necessary. Please check the website from time to time.

Amended: April 1, 2024.


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